Chapter 2: Digital Makes Businesses Robust

The previous chapter discussed how digitalisation brings a new kind of relationship between
companies, customers, employees and suppliers, resulting in new business models. These
business models are increasingly replacing established models from the nineteenth and twentieth
centuries, creating large pressure for companies to act differently. In addition to achieving the main
objective of better market positioning, these changes can also offer other desirable results, such as
the opportunity for companies to be far more efficient and sustainable as a result of the digital

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11.1 Modelling at the Project Level

This section addresses the structuring of a digital initiative at the project level. An enterprise’s digital transformation is executed via a sequence of smaller, yet coordinated transitional steps in the form of individual business projects. Contrary to traditional project and business analysis techniques, a digital methodology must meet several important criteria.

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Chapter 1: Digital Empowers New Thinking

For decades the deployment of information and communication technology (ICT) in business contexts and the subsequent exploitation of its efficiency-driving capabilities have transformed and sometimes revolutionised business models. ICT has driven completely new products and services into the market, as well as enabling increasingly automated operating models. Enterprises have greatly leveraged ICT to gain a competitive advantage.
In recent years, the notion of a digital business has emerged. Radically game-changing developments have enabled the digitalisation of businesses, usually creating nothing less than their comprehensive transformation.

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